The results indicate that these parameters in profile change closely with geotectonic cycles as follows : sulfur , colloid and asphaltene contents keep the lowest values in devonian , triassic , jurassic and tertiary ; they are in accordance with regressive geotectonic phases , of which the maximum values appear to be correspond to the largest - scale marine transgressions occurred in caledonian cycle , hercynian cycle and middle phase of alpine cycle 指出,这些石油参数在剖面上的变化与大地构造旋回有密切关系:硫,胶质和沥青质的含量在泥盆纪、三叠纪、侏罗纪和新近纪为最低值,它们与海退构造阶段相一致;石油化学成分最大值与加里东旋回、海西旋回和阿尔卑斯旋回中期的最大海侵相一致。